ARTcrawl Every Month in New Bern, "Second Fridays" |
Posters, Gallery & News
of Creative People in New Bern, NC
Downtown New Bern was jam-packed with creative people & art-enthusiasts.
See y'all for the next ARTcrawl on the second Friday of each month!
See y'all for the next ARTcrawl on the second Friday of each month!
ARTcrawl Highlights
New Bern Now Videos & Articles about ARTcrawlBy Wendy Card, NC Life Media
Last night was jam packed with fun-filled activities for everyone! What a night! We started out at the Isaac Taylor Garden and Greater Good Gallery (New Bern Now’s Corporate Office) where artists gathered to demonstrate their creative skills and residents/visitors joined them to admire their work. CLICK TO READ MORE about ARTcrawl and Watch the VIDEOs. |
New Bern Now capture video of Flash Mob Dance during ARTcrawlMitch Lewis told us about his organization’s effort to “Stomp Out Genocide” with the Arts to End Genocide Foundation. We noticed a crowd gathering for this “Flash Mob” featured. Lewis spoke about his upcoming fundraiser to benefit “Arts to End Genocide” in Isaac Taylor Garden on Friday, October 25, 2013. More info and purchase Tickets.
December 2013 ARTcrawl in the Sun Journal NewspaperBy Charlie Hall, Sun Journal Staff
Published: Saturday, December 14, 2013 at 18:35 PM. New art faces continue to emerge at New Bern ARTcrawl. The final ARTcrawl of 2013 on Friday night brought a good crowd to downtown New Bern despite chilly weather.The weather was actually conducive to one of the attractions — machine-made snow, which sprinkled down on a packed Bear Town Plaza. The event, a product of the Community Artist Will group, had artists, musicians and demonstrating craftsmen sprinkled throughout downtown. As has been the case for each of the monthly walking tours, more new faces came out to show off their talents. CLICK to READ MORE about ARTcrawl in the Sun Journal. |
September 2013 ARTcrawl in the Sun Journal NewspaperBy Charlie Hall, Sun Journal Staff
Published: Saturday, September 14, 2013 at 20:15 PM. The traditional ArtWalk and the first-time ARTcrawl meshed well together Friday night, providing hundreds of visitors an overwhelming buffet of art, music and activities throughout the downtown area. CLICK to READ MORE about ARTcrawl in the Sun Journal. |
For more event listings in and around New Bern, visit New Bern Now's calendar. |